Our services range from panel beating, spray painting, collision repairs, car servicing and components repair to car accident insurance claims repair. If you’re unsure about what to do with an accident damage that needs repair and spray painting, our spray painting professionals will be delighted to assist you. You’ll find your visit a happy experience […]
Category Archives: Blog
Read about the latest cars that went through repairing and/or grooming process at Revol Carz Makeover on our blog.
It’s essential to have your beloved protected against harsh elements. And that’s what Mr. Conan did by sending his brand new Toyota Raize! With ZeTough Titanium paint protection coating, his pride and joy achieves long lasting protection and showroom condition look and feel that lasts for years! 🎉Congrats on your brand new car! So how […]
Mr. Jeffrey enquired thru our Whatsapp to find out more about ZeTough Paint Protection and its long term benefits. He then decided to make an appointment to coat his Volkswagen Golf with ZeTough Ceramic Paint Protection! Thank you Mr. Jeffrey for choosing us for your paint protection services and we really appreciate very much!
A handsome Skoda Superb came to our Toh Guan workshop for an ultimate paintwork enhancement and protection with our SGS certified Premium ZeTough Titanium paint protection, guaranteed to last for years wash after wash after wash! Our deepest thanks to Mr. Josewin for entrusting us his superb pride and joy! So how can ZeTough Titanium […]
It’s a Saturday packed with white goodness at our AMK branch! Prefer SUV or sedan? We have it all here for ZeTough paint protection!
Meanwhile in our Toh Guan Branch, our friendly paint protection Team are busy as well, pampering all these beautiful cars. We are grateful for your support for choosing US for your paint protection services!
Weekend has arrived! Chillax and set your mind at peace while we nourish your beloved with a refreshing treatment of ZeTough Paint Protection for long lasting charm and deep glossy finish wash after wash after wash💪 Let us make your ride shiny and protected too! Drop us a call @ 65551181 for enquiries and booking […]
🔥Day 5 Following up on the BMW 5 series which was in for a full spray painting. Once the surface is perfectly smoothened and levelled, masking begins to ensure paint particles do not get to unwanted areas during spray painting. All prep works have been done and the car is all set for masterclass spraying💪 […]
Our services range from panel beating, spray painting, collision repairs, car servicing and components repair to car accident insurance claims repair. If you’re unsure about what to do with an accident damage that needs repair and spray painting, our spray painting professionals will be delighted to assist you. You’ll find your visit a happy experience […]
Mr. Tien has just changed his car to an Audi A3 and arranged an appointment with Us for ZeTough Ceramic Paint Protection, guaranteed to achieve long lasting protection and showroom condition look and feel that lasts for years! 🎉Congrats on your new car and We deeply appreciate your trust and continuous support in Us🙏
Whether your car is new or used, it deserves the very best long-term care and protection. Our Team will ensure it stays beautifully charming and in best condition throughout your ownership. Thank you Mr. Derek for entrusting your BMW 118I with Revol Carz Makeover and for choosing ZeTough Titanium as your preferred paint protection! So […]
Meanwhile in our Toh Guan branch, we are also swamped with a crowd of German car makes turning up for respray services and ZeTough Paint protection! Do give us an advance booking to ensure a guaranteed slot at your preferred timing ya!
Gott sei Dank ist es Freitag (T.G.I.F) It’s a German packed Friday! No matter what car make you have, Our team is always ready to give our best to deliver the best result and ensure your car stays in showroom condition throughout your ownership! Let us make your ride shiny and protected too! Drop us […]
Our most grateful thoughts to Mr. Ben for sending his mighty BMW X3 for ZeTough Ceramic paint protection with guaranteed showroom shine and long lasting protection throughout his ownership. Expecting a dust free rims and well cleaned interior is a must for every car visiting us! Let’s enjoy the following after treatment photos!
A good-looking Mercedes Benz CLA200 looking fresh and glossy with a showroom condition look and feel after a regal ZeTough Ceramic paint protection treatment. Complete with a clean and refreshed interior, well-polished engine bay and rims. Biggie thanks to Mr. Henry for your support in Revol Carz Makeover!