🔥Day 7 Following up on the BMW 5 series which was in for a full spray painting. Desiring to restore your whole car back to its former glory? Experience the breath-taking transformation from Revol Carz Makeover specialist and witness this once damaged now a gorgeous looking BMW520I coated with ZeTough Ceramic Paint Protection for that […]
Category Archives: Blog
Read about the latest cars that went through repairing and/or grooming process at Revol Carz Makeover on our blog.
Our services range from panel beating, spray painting, collision repairs, car servicing and components repair to car accident insurance claims repair. If you’re unsure about what to do with an accident damage that needs repair and spray painting, our spray painting professionals will be delighted to assist you. You’ll find your visit a happy experience […]
Shoutout BIG thanks to Mr. Ronnie for his trust and confidence in Us and for making ZeTough Ceramic Paint protection as his preferred choice for his BMW 520I! Why do so many car owners choose ZeTough Paint Protection and Revol Carz Makeover as their preferred paint protection services? Well ensuring showroom condition throughout your ownership […]
🎉Congrats Mr. Ker for your brand new car with our deepest thanks and appreciation for entrusting us with your captivating Toyota Camry Hybrid with ZeTough Titanium paint protection coating to achieve long lasting shine and protection 💪 So how can ZeTough Titanium coating achieve for your paintwork? The ZeTough Titanium Paint Protection Coating offers you […]
Our heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Goh for choosing Us as his preferred paint protection center and for sending his savvy Porsche Panamera for ZeTough Ceramic Paint Protection. Not only will he enjoy a totally clean and protected interior but most importantly having a protective Ceramic Coating which enable his car to stay clean, […]
This charming Jaguar XE checked-in for a good makeover. Our paint protection specialists completed a full interior and exterior grooming coated with our signature ZeTough Ceramic paint protection. Now looking sharp glossy and fresh with maximum long lasting protection, ready to hit the road with a “WOW” showroom shine. Thank you Mr. Charles for entrusting […]
Awesome Monday with an awesome turnout of cars checking in for car servicing and car repair services! Feeling grateful and privileged to have your support in Revol Carz Garage! Have a great day ahead! Do feel free to drop by Revol Carz Garage at 10, Ang Mo Kio Industrial park 2a # 02-18 Ang Mo […]
Meanwhile, it’s a busy packed appointment at our Toh Guan branch with various Japanese car makes! It does not matter which car make you are driving as you are always welcome in any of our shops!
It’s an invigorating new week with an awesome turnout of cars lined-up for spray painting services and ZeTough Paint Protection for a reflective glass-like gloss, ultra smooth feel and finish and clean and protected ride! Get a complete peace of mind with ZeTough’s robust and long-lasting performance too! Contact us @ 65551181 for enquiries and […]
A returning customer, Ms. Serene arrived today and brought her Astonishing Mazda 2 for ZeTough Ceramic paint protection with 9H scratch resistance and built to be ultra-resistant to watermarks and oxidation. Our heartfelt gratitude Ms. Serene for your continuous support in Revol Carz Makeover!
This good looking BMW X1 just had a regal grooming with treatment of ZeTough Ceramic paint protection now looking more spectacular than ever with its better-than-showroom condition look and feel with an ultra-long lasting protection that will last for years! Thank you Mr. Jon for entrusting us with your BMW X1!
May you have a fulfilling Sunday as we do, with all these cars filling up our workshop for ZeTough paint protection. As usual, our friendly Team are ready and delighted to assist. Have an enjoyable Sunday!
At Revol Carz Makeover, We highly value our customers’ needs and interests. Your convenience matters to us, hence for our busy car owners, you’ll be delighted to know that we are open on Sundays! Planning to have a clean and well protected ride over the weekend? Give us a call @ 65551181 for a guaranteed […]
🔥Day 6 Following up on the BMW 5 series which was in for a full spray painting. Our spray painting specialists just finished a Masterclass spraying job and to ensure an excellent finishing outcome and that the car surface is well smoothened out, our specialists did another round of wet sanding and buffing. After is […]
Mr. Joseph is very satisfied with what ZeTough Paint Protection have delivered that today he sends us his 2nd car, Honda Civic for ZeTough Ceramic paint protection💪 Expecting a dust free rims and well cleaned interior is a must for every car visiting us! Thank you Mr. Joseph for your trust and continuous support 🙏