When the wheel speed sensor in your Audi is failing, it is common that a warning sign illuminates on your dashboard as you drive.
This component is also known as an ABS sensor. Its job is to monitor various vehicle functions such as the anti-lock braking systems, traction control and vehicle’s speed. (The wheel speed sensor is different from the speed sensor).
When the wheel speed sensor is faulty or broken, it affects the ABS System. The speed sensor is responsible for relaying the wheel speed to the ECU so that the ABS can apply the appropriate pressure safely.
Here is Leslie Koh’s stunning Audi A1 SB. He rushed it to our workshop for analysis as soon as he noticed a warning light illuminated on his dashboard.
Our AUDI Specialist swung into action immediately armed with his faithful Analytic Computer. The Fault Code diagnosed the rear wheel sensor failure.
With all other probable relative defects double-checked, the Rear Wheel Sensor was professionally replaced by our dedicated Audi Team.
The Audi goes for a vigorous test run by our QC team and given a thumb-up for the optimal performance. The vehicle then goes for a ‘spa’ of complimentary car-wash and interior cleaning before returning her to the happy customer.