Monthly Archives: May 2024

Mirror-like Finish for Mercedes Benz CLA180!

A gorgeous Mercedes Benz CLA180 looking spectacular with enriched paintwork and mirror-like finish after a premium treatment of ZeTough Titanium Paint Protection. Thank you for choosing Revol Carz Makeover for your paint protection services! So how can ZeTough Titanium coating achieve for your paintwork? The ZeTough Titanium Paint Protection Coating offers you much more wonderful […]

Beautiful Hyundai SX2 is Now safely Protected!

Get guaranteed ultimate paint protection and irresistible shine with ZeTough Ceramic Paint Protection! The look of this beautiful Hyundai SX2 is now safely protected with Premium ZeTough Ceramic Paint Protection backed with 3 years warranty. Thank you for engaging with us for your paint protection services!

This Cute and Savvy Great Wall Ora Now Looking Glossier and in Best Showroom Condition!

Achieve a shiny and protected ride with Premium ZeTough Titanium Paint Protection! This cute and savvy Great Wall Ora has just gone through a full interior and exterior detailing coated with ZeTough Titanium Paint Protection now looking extremely glossier and in best showroom condition. Our deepest appreciation for choosing Revol Carz Makeover for your paint […]

Have a Great Weekend ahead!

It’s been a hectic week and preparing for another busy week ahead! As always, our dynamic team are working extra hard to ensure all cars are being well done and returned to you in minimal turnaround time. Have a great weekend ahead!

Let’s Welcome the Brand New Week ahead!

Let’s welcome the brand new week ahead! Our professional team have the combination of passion, dedication, and consistent hard work to commit with our “Customer first” policy. Scheduling a good makeover on the weekend? Contact us @ 65551181 to achieve long lasting shine and protection wash after wash after wash!

BMW X1 Now Boasting of a Remarkable Glossy Look and Enriched Protected Paintwork!

A good-looking BMW X1 now boasting of a remarkable glossy look and enriched protected paintwork after a Premium ZeTough Ceramic Paint Protection treatment. Sincerest thanks for your support and confidence in Revol Carz Makeover!

BMW Case Study 154: 216GT Engine Mounting Replacement

Is your BMW 2 Series displaying signs of worn Engine Mountings? Look out for symptoms such as increased vibrations, unusual engine noises, and a rougher driving experience. If you’re noticing these issues, it’s advisable to have your vehicle inspected by a qualified workshop like Revol Carz Garage to address the worn Engine Mountings promptly and […]

AMK workshop is filled with Continental and Japanese beauties

It’s a fabulous weekend at our AMK workshop filled with Continental and Japanese beauties all set to be armored with our Premium ZeTough Paint Protection for an enriched paintwork and guaranteed long lasting protection! Get a complete peace of mind with ZeTough’s robust and long-lasting performance too! Contact us @ 65551181 for enquiries and booking […]

Day 7 Following up on the BMW X3 which was in for a full spray painting

Contemplating restoring your car to its former glory? Witness the remarkable transformation of this once-blemished paintwork of this BMW X3 from dull to spectacular after a full car spray painting by our skilled Revol Spray Painting Masters, coated with ZeTough Ceramic Paint Protection, returning it to a magnificent showroom condition! Lets enjoy the transformation photos!

Thank Goodness it’s a Full-packed Saturday!

Thank goodness it’s Saturday and we are very much grateful for the support given as we are fully packed for the day! Planning to start your weekend with a clean and well protected ride too? Contact us @ 65551181 to achieve a long last shine and protection wash after wash after wash!

Return to Perfection: High-Quality Scratch and Dent Repairs at Revol

Our services range from panel beating, spray painting, collision repairs, car servicing and components repair to car accident insurance claims repair. If you’re unsure about what to do with an accident damage that needs repair and spray painting, our spray painting professionals will be delighted to assist you. You’ll find your visit a happy experience […]

Revol Carz Garage will go extra mile for your beloved car!

At Revol Carz Garage, we understand that your car is more than just a vehicle – it’s a reflection of your lifestyle. That’s why we go the extra mile to ensure it receives the care and attention it deserves. Do feel free to drop by Revol Carz Garage at 10, Ang Mo Kio Industrial park […]

T.G.I.F Revol Team is ready to Serve You for the Rest of the Weekend!

Hooray its TGIF and in our Toh Guan branch, we have a high volume of cars rolling in for ZeTough paint protection. As always, our friendly team are ready to assist and serve you for the day even towards the weekend!

It’s a full-packed Fri-yay at AMK Autopoint Workshop!

It’s Fri-yay! We are filled with delight as we are swamped with Continental cars all lined up for a touch of our multi-awarded, best ever ZeTough Paint Protection. If you would like to get your pride and joy looking its best do speak to any of our friendly Managers should you need any assist ya!

Day 6 Following up on the BMW X3 which was in for a full spray painting

Our skilled Spray Painting Masters have just completed a Masterclass spraying job, followed by an additional round of wet sanding and polishing to ensure the car’s surface is perfectly smooth and free of any paintwork imperfections. Subsequently, they carefully reinstalled the car parts that were previously removed. We will reveal our final transformation in our […]