A walk-through the process in addressing the bad Water Pump and Thermostat Housing assembly at Revol Carz Garage.
Mr. Julien’s Volkswagen Golf was constantly low on Coolant with intermittent overheating.
Mr. Julien arrives our garage to let our Volkswagen Specialists check his Golf.
The leaky Air Hose is pleading for a replacement.
The Air Hose which blew an oil leak is an indication of a common Turbo failure.
Coolant is leaking from the failing Pump and Thermostat.
The Thermostat and Coolant Pump are dismantled for replacement.
A brand-new original Coolant Pump (left) is ready to switch with the old.
Unboxing the new Thermostat unit (left) to replace the old.
It is important to replace with a fresh Air Hose O-ring Seal also.
The new Coolant Pump and Thermostat are professionally installed by our Volkswagen Specialist.
Every car serviced and repaired at Revol Carz Garage gets a complimentary car wash with interior vacuuming.