Blog, BMW Case Studies, Car Repair and Servicing, Case StudiesBMW Case Study 55: 730i Air matic suspension replacement. Posted on October 27, 2021October 27, 2021 by Revol Carz 27 Oct Is your BMW 7 series slanted one side? Peter’s BMW 730i is having issue with his car rear as it is slanted one side. Peter sends in his BMW 730i with a slanted one side at the rear area. We discover one of his air suspension is having issue. Once our BMW specialist confirmed the issue, the car is hoisted up swiftly. The new air matic suspension awaiting replacement. We are glad to resolve Peter’s Air matic issue. Revol Carz Pampered your car by getting protection like this brand new Nissan Kicks! Spray Painting With Panel Beating Done By Professionals!