Blog, Mini, Paint Protection Coating
Ultimate Titanium Paint Protection Coating with this cute and chic Mini One
This cute and chic Mini One just received a full interior and exterior grooming topped with our renowned ZeTough Titanium paint protection for a remarkable protected glossy finish wash after wash after wash!
Much appreciation to Mr. Jimmy for entrusting us his pride and joy!
So how can ZeTough Titanium coating achieve for your paintwork?
The ZeTough Titanium Paint Protection Coating offers you much more wonderful benefits.
Permanent coating protection.
Above 9H pencil hardness scratch resistance.
Extreme hydrophobic properties.
Superb self cleaning properties.
Weather and UV resistance.
Anti graffiti.
Excellent chemical resistance.
Oxidation and corrosion resistance.
Extreme high gloss finishing.
ZeTough Titanium Coating, don’t drive without it.
Maintenance after the coating is minimal. You will enjoy a long-term peace of mind.