Monthly Archives: December 2020

A Savvy BMW 318I went in for a Ceramic Paint Protection Coating!

Heartfelt Thanks to Mr. Liow for his trust and confidence in Us and for making ZeTough Ceramic Paint Protection as his preferred choice for his savvy BMW 318I. Not only will he enjoy a totally clean and protected interior but most importantly having a protective Ceramic Coating which enable his car to stay clean, glossier, […]

A Beautiful Mercedes-Benz E300 Just Arrived for Premium Ceramic Paint Protection Coating!

A beautiful Mercedes-Benz E300 has just arrived at Revol Carz Makeover for a premium grooming session that includes the special treatment with our award-winning, ZeTough Ceramic Paint Protection Coating for dazzling showroom gleam and protected ride. Our deepest appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Ng for engaging with Us for his paint protection services!

This BMW X1 Sent in for a Glossy Finish and Long Lasting Protection with Titanium Paint Protection Coating!

Mr. Samir booked an appointment with Us to coat his BMW X1 with ZeTough Titanium Paint protection for a remarkable glossy finish and long lasting protected paintwork. Sincere thanks Mr. Samir for choosing Us for your paint protection services and we really appreciate very much! Let’s enjoy these beautiful after treatment photos! So how can […]

Planning to Send in your Car Over the Weekend for Zetough Paint Protection? Just Call us for Assistance!

At Revol Carz Makeover, We highly value our customers’ needs and interests. Your convenience matters to us, hence for our busy car owners, you’ll be delighted to know that we are open on Sundays!  Planning to have a clean and well protected ride over the weekend? Give us a call @ 65551181 for a guaranteed […]

It’s End of the Week and still More Customers Send in there Car for Zetough Paint Protection!

It’s the end of the week and a good one too as more customer cars choose Revol Carz Makeover as their preferred paint protection center! As Sunday is our most busiest day of the week, do kindly book in advance to ensure a guaranteed slot ya!

Titanium Paint Protection Coating with this stunning BMW X1

This stunning BMW X1 just had a dose of ZeTough Titanium coating, the toughest paint protection with long lasting shine, scientifically engineered for new and used cars. Complete with a clean, refreshed interior and dust-free rims. Our heartfelt thanks to Mr. Teo for choosing Revol Carz Makeover for your paint protection services! So how can […]

Spray Painting to Panel Beating Services. Revol can Assist!

Our services range from panel beating, spray painting, collision repairs, car servicing and components repair to car accident insurance claims repair. If you’re unsure about what to do with an accident damage that needs repair and spray painting, our spray painting professionals will be delighted to assist you. You’ll find your visit a happy experience […]

Showroom look of this stylish Mazda CX-30 with ultimate Ceramic Paint Protection Coating

One of our satisfied customers has just referred Mr. Jason to Us for paint protection services. After witnessing the results, Mr. Jason then decided to book an appointment with us for a Premium ZeTough Ceramic paint protection treatment for his stylish Mazda CX-30. Now ready to hit the road with a “WOW” showroom shine! We […]

A Ravishing BMW 218i just Underwent for Titanium Paint Protection Coating!

This ravishing BMW 218i just underwent a very detailed full interior and exterior grooming. Coated with our renowned ZeTough Titanium paint protection, leaving a very rich and ultra glossy finish on the paintwork. A clean and protected ride. Thank you for entrusting Revol Carz Makeover for your paint protection services! So how can ZeTough Titanium […]

A Fine-looking Toyota Corolla Just had a Regal Treatment with Ceramic Paint Protection!

A fine-looking Toyota Corolla just had a regal grooming with treatment of ZeTough Ceramic paint protection now looking more spectacular than ever with its better-than-showroom condition look and feel with an ultra-long lasting protection that will last for years! Thank you Mr. Jason for entrusting us with your pride and joy!

It’s a fabulous weekend at our Toh Guan Branch

Hope you guys are having a fabulous weekend! A day filled with appreciation and gratitude to have all these stunning cars at our Toh Guan workshop! Have your beloved scheduled for some extra shine and protection too! Drop us a call @ 65551181 for enquiries and booking assistance

Ceramic Paint Protection Coating with this beautiful BMW 216I

Mr. Yong came across our company to find out more about the benefits of ZeTough and then decided to bring his BMW 216I at our Toh Guan workshop for a good makeover pampering coated with ZeTough Ceramic paint protection! Thank you Mr. Yong for your trust and confidence in Revol Carz Makeover!

Day 7 Following up on the Full Car Spray Painting with Ceramic Paint Protection Coating Jaguar XE!

🔥Day 7 Following up on the Jaguar XE which was in for a full spray painting. Thinking of restoring your car back into its former glory? Experience the astonishing top-notch showroom finish of the once damaged paintwork of this Jaguar XE after repair and a full car spray painting by our Revol Spray Painting Masters […]

Amazing turn-out of this BMW 730LI after getting our Titanium Paint Protection Coating

We are grateful and sincerely thank you Mr. Tan for sending us your elegant BMW 7 series and for making ZeTough Titanium as your preferred paint protection! Expecting a dust free rims and well cleaned interior is a must for every car visiting us! So how can ZeTough Titanium coating achieve for your paintwork? The […]