
Mercedes Benz Case Study 16: E250 Oil Filter Housing Replacement

Mercedes-Benz Case Study 16

This Mercedes-Benz CS 16 will feature the Oil Filter Housing Replacement for Mercedes E250. If your car is leaking engine oil rapidly, don’t delay in sending it to a reputable workshop for an inspection.

A failing oil seal will cause engine oil to leak and you will see a warning light flashing on your instrument dial.  If this happens to your car, always pull up safely; check the oil level, and top up as soon as possible. Driving with an exceedingly low level of engine oil can damage your engine rapidly.

Mercedes-Benz CS 16: E250 Oil Filter Housing Replacement

Mr Dave Wong sent his Mercedes Benz E 250CGI to Revol Carz Garage with distress of having to top up engine oil too frequently.

Mercedes-Benz CS 16: E250 Oil Filter Housing Replacement

The Mercedes is lifted for inspection at our garage. 

Mercedes-Benz CS 16: E250 Oil Filter Housing Replacement - leak from a worn out oil filter housing

Mercedes-Benz CS 16: Our Mercedes Specialist team discovered a leak from worn-out oil filter housing which was promptly replaced.

Mercedes-Benz CS 16: E250 Oil Filter Housing Replacement - original oil filter housing ready to replace

A new original oil filter housing (left) is ready to replace.

Following the professional repair that had resolved the engine oil leak issue, the Mercedes Benz got a complimentary car wash and vacuuming before handing the keys back to smiley Mr. Dave Wong.