
Mercedes Benz Case Study 13: C189 Coolant Low Issue​ and Oil Change

Mercedes-Benz Case Study 13

This Mercedes-Benz CS 13 will feature another regular customer, Mr. Vernon’s Mercedes C180. We will show you how we did our oil change servicing. He also complained that the air conditioner was blowing hot air.

The Mercedes is lifted for the oil change process and undercarriage inspection.

Mercedes-Benz CS 13: Our eagle eyed mechanic spotted traces of coolant leak.

Mercedes-Benz CS 13: original thermostat assembly

The new original thermostat assembly (top) is ready for installation. 

Mercedes-Benz CS 13: new compressor

We also replaced the worn compressor. The new compressor guarantees a long time cooling rides for years to come.

With the coolant leak repaired and a brand new air-conditioner compressor in place, Vernon and his family can enjoy years of the cooler, smoother, and quieter rides with their Mercedes C189 again.