The Volkswagen staggered to Revol Carz Garage ready for engine overhaul.
The customer’s interest is our top priority. We swung into action immediately so that the owner could get his car back sooner.
Shackles and lifting chains are ready and in place; ready to gently unseat the engine.
The engine has been professionally lifted onto the designated engine rack.
Overhauling a car engine entails extensive skilled works and precision performed by professional mechanics.
Part by part of the engine components is skillfully dismantled to reach every possible chamber.
The cracked piston is that little rascal.
Compare the repulsive worn piston (left) and awe at the cheerful brand new replacement.
For optimum desired results and performance, our professional team ensures every component is re-polished and perfectly cleaned.
Assembling of car components requires precision torque on each and every fastener.
The engine is now professionally restored with an official endorsement from our QC Team.
With the professionally rebuilt engine, the Volkswagen is ready to turn heads on the road with its dynamic performance.