A BMW X5 arrived for major circuit board modules damaged. Hi Everyone, We have some advice for unwary car owners who could be unfortunately caught in an appalling situation after installing an in-car camera. Don’t be “penny-wise and pound-foolish”, so the adage goes. Have your in-car camera properly set up by professional installers from a more reputable shop. Inexperienced and carelessness of unscrupulous installers can cause you a nightmare and even damage to your car’s electronic system. We recently came across a case of A BMW X5 which distressed the owner phoned us for help. He was unable to start his car and had requested a tow to our workshop for diagnosis. At our workshop, our experienced technicians discovered that water had seeped into the battery compartment causing short-circuits and severe damage to some major circuit board modules.
This unfortunate incident could have been easily prevented had the camera-installer been more careful and had not forgotten to put back the protective cover properly. The carelessness by the inexperienced technicians had not only caused the car-owner great distress and inconvenience but also wasted a lot of money to replace the damaged circuit board modules. The rainwater actually slips through the gap located at the car boot and flows into the battery compartment and it actually causes shock circuits of the module which indirectly causes other modules to shock circuits too. We hope you will enjoy viewing the following pictures.

Preventive maintenance is always better than repair. It is important to understand wear and tear before the components break down totally. If you have any issue in any part of your car, do feel free to contact us. We will always serve you with the best of your interest! Thanks for reading!